Meteorological observation

Weather conditions
The quality of field works depends on the weather conditions under which they were performed. Any operation, whether it is sowing, fertilization or application of plant protection products, can be ruined by adverse weather conditions, and this is a very large loss of expensive materials and future harvest. However, today satellite data on the temperature and humidity of each land plot are available. For accurate weather forecasting, there is a possibility to install your own meteorological station, which collects data on temperature, air and soil moisture, and many other indicators that allow you to make accurate weather forecasts for the farm fields. The Soft.Farm system has access to satellite data and combines information from meteorological stations of different manufacturers in one interface. We also have soil moisture and temperature sensors that are installed across the field to a depth of 50 cm down to 1 m and for 20 years they transmit information to the server. The Meteorological Observation module provides enough information to end up complaining about bad weather, but perform the field works under favorable weather conditions, and not to bear extra expenses.
Learn how to customize the weather and meteorological station log!
We have developed and are constantly improving video tutorials for the practical use of the system and its functions –the weather and meteorological station log.