Monitoring of seeding control systems

14.03 2019

Monitoring of seeding control systems

Of course, every experienced agronomist knows how difficult it is to control the quality of the work already done on sowing or fertilizing. It is even more difficult to quickly respond to deviations from the specified parameters of sowing or fertilizing in the course of the field work performed by the unit.

Nowadays, among the farmers, electronic systems for monitoring the seeding parameters of various manufacturers are widely used. In this regard, the «Soft.Farm» team is preparing to expand the functionality of our portal - a service for monitoring seeding control systems, which provides:
- remote online monitoring of sowing equipment on the map;
- monitoring of seeding quality indicators at any part of the path covered by the seeder - the number of twins, gaps, seeding speed, actual seeding density;
- online processing of sowing results - obtaining summary and detailed reports on the work performed;
- integration with the portal Soft.Farm - planning and closing field work, calculating the number of rutting, a summary of the consumption of sowing materials and fertilizers, obtaining cartograms of the quality of sowing and fertilizing in the field;
- calculation of the treated area;
- post-analysis of the dependence of the level of yield from cartograms of sowing;
- and much more...

If your goal is to increase the yield, reduce the cost of field work and increase the profitability of your business, then use the new seeding monitoring system «Soft.Farm»!

Currently, the service works with «Garant» seeding control systems, which are manufactured by our partner «Intris Trade». In the future, we hope to expand cooperation with other manufacturers of similar systems.

Want to know more or have any questions? Email us at

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