The security of land plots is being improved with new information

09.12 2021

The security of land plots is being improved with new information

Land monitoring is an important management function in the use and protection of land, regardless of the form of its ownership, purpose and nature of use. However, due to the imperfection of the legal system and the lack of effective mechanisms to protect the rights of agribusiness regarding free and unhindered land ownership, the phenomenon of raiding continues to progress. Basically, raider attacks are based on flaws in the legislation, which are associated with the procedures for concluding agreements and state registration of the lease right. Also a significant problem is the lack of proper data exchange and the state of information contained in the State Land Cadastre and the State Register of Real Rights. In particular, a significant amount of information on land plots has not been transferred to the SLC from paper carriers, and the declarative principle of filling the SRRR takes time to form it.

The security of land plots is being improved with new information

Nevertheless, to date, to audit a land bank and monitor its state, agricultural enterprises most often use data from these resources, which greatly help in management. The Soft.Farm web service has long provided access to them for its users and continues to develop digital technologies to improve the security of agribusiness. The information in the SRRR is constantly updated, and if the owners of small farms have time to track the changes that have occurred, then it is much more difficult for large enterprises to do this. The most vulnerable to raider captures are agricultural firms that commit negligence or errors in the maintenance of documentation and registration of rights. This is facilitated by disordered document flow at the enterprise, imperfection of constituent documents, attempts to solve problems without involving specialists, as well as ignoring the timely periodic monitoring of registers and cadastre in order to avoid gaps in accounting.

The security of land plots is being improved with new information

Soft.Farm web service has all the necessary tools for high-quality cadastral registration. Among them, one can single out the «Security» function, which makes it possible to monitor the state of the land bank of any agricultural company on a daily basis. To use it, you need to select the appropriate menu item in the cadastral module and add the USREOU codes to it of the enterprises in whose land assets it is necessary to track changes. In case of discrepancies, the system automatically sends a notification to the person in charge by e-mail or SMS. For the convenience of users, we have improved the functionality of this module and now the program creates a list of cadastral numbers by which the company was changed. As a result, a graph of changes in the number of land plots is formed, which reflects the existing dynamics.

The security of land plots is being improved with new information

«Security» makes it possible to learn about changes in the Unified State Register while it is still possible to take some steps to resist raiding. It does not protect against potential risks, but notifies them and helps in making informed management decisions at a time when it is still possible to influence the situation.

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