06.01 2020
For the effective management of a land bank, which has more than one thousand hectares, it is necessary to inculcate innovations. It needs to start with a quality audit of land plots and lease agreements, and the system chosen for implementation should ensure maximum automation of managerial accounting agricultural processes. But how to understand how well a land bank is used? It is necessary to study all the risks and be sure that those land plots are processed that are rented.
05.12 2019
An integral part of any modern agricultural enterprise is the planning of agricultural operations and operational monitoring of the status of sowings. It allows to timely identify deviations in the growth and development of plants, determine the causes of these deviations and make appropriate management decisions. Today, there are many ways to monitor crops during the season. This is the agronomist’s exit into the field, analysis of soil samples, the use of data from drones and satellites, etc.
21.11 2019
It's no secret that the main asset of each agricultural enterprise is land: lease agreements are concluded, cadastral area is calculated, property rights documentation is kept ... But, in addition to legal data, it is also necessary to know the properties of the soils that make up the land bank and on which agricultural crops are grown culture. To date, many laboratories offer soil agrodiagnostics services.
14.11 2019
In the modern agrarian world, the principles of precision farming have successfully passed the test of time, have proved their worth and financial feasibility. Moreover, precision farming has become a measure of farm efficiency. An agricultural enterprise, in which all operations are carried out in the old manner, without using automation tools, is considered ineffective, despite the fact that it can bring income to owners and shareholders.
07.11 2019
From October 29 to October 31, 2019, the International Exhibition of Effective Solutions for Agricultural Business “AgroComplex” was held in Kyiv IEC, which presented the whole range of advanced technologies to increase the competitiveness of production in accordance with world challenges and global changes. It set a progressive vector of movement for the agrarian business of Ukraine by presenting international experience, advanced technologies, trends and market demands, and also presented the achievements and potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to the world community.