How effectively to carry out the introduction of plant protection products?

08.05 2019

How effectively to carry out the introduction of plant protection products?

The season of active growing of agricultural crops has begun, the main goal of which is the introduction of plant protection products, fertilizers and plant growth regulators. For all these operations, it is important to properly plan the work and ensure the supply of materials to create a tank mix, the use of which increases the processing efficiency and reduces the cost of fuel and lubricants due to the reduction in the number of treatments and the consumption rate of the drug.

The landscape of Ukraine is very diverse, and with complex configurations of the fields being processed, it is rather difficult to calculate the number of sprayer refills directly in the field. In order not to go back and avoid extra costs, the mechanic needs to understand whether there is enough residual solution in the tank for the next rut. If your fields have already been entered into the Soft.Farm system, you know the width of the trailer and the amount of material consumption per unit area, then it is possible to determine the number of gons in a few clicks.

The system will automatically calculate the distance, total consumption of materials, the number and location of refills, and also generate a KML file that can be downloaded or printed as a task for the operator.

Fertilization and plant protection is a multifaceted and time-consuming technological process associated with many factors. Often it is the qualitative spraying that determines success in the cultivation of crops. Plan your work and control the use of resources in advance with Soft.Farm to carry out the processing of crops at a high level and reliably protect the crop from weeds, diseases and pests.

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