Presentation of digitization of a land bank and seeding control at AgroComplex 2019

07.11 2019

Presentation of digitization of a land bank and seeding control at AgroComplex 2019

From October 29 to October 31, 2019, the International Exhibition of Effective Solutions for Agricultural Business “AgroComplex” was held in Kyiv IEC, which presented the whole range of advanced technologies to increase the competitiveness of production in accordance with world challenges and global changes. It set a progressive vector of movement for the agrarian business of Ukraine by presenting international experience, advanced technologies, trends and market demands, and also presented the achievements and potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to the world community.

As part of the exhibition, a special project IT-corner 2019 was implemented. This is a specialized exposition that presents digital solutions and smart technologies for agribusiness. The uniqueness of the idea lies in the fact that all participants are placed on a common location in the open-space format, which allows us to present the whole range of technologies and their interaction, and visitors are completely immersed in the world of digital solutions and get a comprehensive understanding of the use process and the end result.

Presentation of digitization of a land bank and seeding control at AgroComplex 2019

This year IT-Corner 2019 was joined by the progressive Soft.Farm team. Within the framework of the open conference, Agro-Designer 2019, with the participation of agricultural enterprises and integrators of solutions for GPS monitoring, fuel control and automation of agricultural activities, the project co-founder Mykola Kondratyuk made a report “Land Bank Management. How to switch to digital”. During the presentation, the main problems of cadastral registration of land plots were highlighted and ways to accurately measure the area of ​​fields were presented, and it was also shown how to use the Soft.Farm web service to get information on ownership, property rights and shareholders from the registry, how to determine the area being cultivated and the boundaries of the unit on the field, how to get the location of units from State Geocadastre, regulatory monetary valuation, how to keep records of lease agreements, unclaimed units, exchanges, track the intentions of shareholders, etc.

Presentation of digitization of a land bank and seeding control at AgroComplex 2019

In the conference zone in the center of the exposition, our speaker Denis Kovalenko made a report entitled “Seeding control from Soft.Farm - remote control of the sowing campaign” to discuss pressing issues of the industry. He noted the importance of implementing precision farming and the need to use modern IT tools for conducting, planning, monitoring and analyzing agricultural activities, and our partner, Intris-Trade, demonstrated the operation of the Garant and Topaz sowing control systems.

Presentation of digitization of a land bank and seeding control at AgroComplex 2019

Soft.Farm booth had a lot of visitors. We talked about the development of new functions of the software package and the improvement of already known modules, such as cadastral registration of land plots, GPS monitoring of equipment, satellite images and the NDVI index, agricultural scouting, cartograms, seeding control and others. We attracted new partners and customers and enjoyed talking with existing ones. Thanks to the guests and organizers of the exhibition for interesting and informative communication. We look forward to a new meeting!

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